Dear Friends and Family - I just checked my blog and it has been 2 months since I have done any updating. Pole sana. I am not sure where time has gone, but we are now in the last week of May! I will do a brief update on what has happened since March.
The rains returned - the second round of rains came sooner than expected. It rained every night for over 2 weeks and flooded the shambas. Many of the crops had to be replanted. It was incredible to sleep every night with the rains pounding on my tin roof. At least we could catch water, which of course is a process all its own. We are back in the dry season and these extremes really makes one aware of water catchment systems and how important they are.
Camp GLOW was an incredible success for the 28 girls and 10 counterparts that attended. It was amazing to see the girls transition from quiet, shy and reserved to empowered young ladies. The speakers touched on many issues of empowerment for the girl child including, self-defense, life skills, the value of education, starting and owning businesses and self-esteem. They all had the opportunity to go to work for a day with a Kenyan, professional woman. Other than us spending 10 hours on the bus transporting the girls, they had an incredible opportunity to see what they could be. Sleeping in tents was a first time experience for many of them. Food was incredible and the good news - it rained only the last night we were there! It was definitely worth all the time, effort and energy spent to make it happen.
After spending 3 weeks in Nrb. for Camp GLOW it was a pleasure to return to site and my family here. I was greeted by Sam and Mumo (ages 4, 2) running to greet me and wheel my suitcase down the dirt lane. The suitcase was bigger than them, but they were successful. I missed being called Mutanu or Obama and seeing all the now familiar faces of my community.
I managed to get a quick, long over due trip to Loitokitok in to see Hellen and her family. She was my host family when we first arrived in Kenya. It was to reconnect with her and see the town. She definitely was a blessing and made the transition to Kenya easy. The bara bara (tarmack) is almost completed between Emali and Loit. which made the trip 3.5 hours instead of the 8 hours it took a year ago!
Hellen and Pat BFF
I completed a quilt and it seems that everyone wants it. (My attempts to teach quilting were a grand failure! Too much work). I gave it to the church I attend to auction/raffle/sell to raise money for their building fund. NOW all the ladies in the church want to know how to make one. At any rate, I hope it raises a pot full of shillings for them.
I have been needlepointing items for friends here. (Thank you Diane for all the supplies). Again, my attempts to teach the actual skill were a dismal failure. Probably not too bad, as supplies would be impossible to get here. As with the quilting, everyone wants to have a completed item, but the lack of free time makes it difficult to actually make one. There is a quilting/needlepoint shop in Nrb., but the prices are incredibly high and only the very rich can afford the prices or time to quilt.
I continue to work with the nursery school on a random basis. I miss the kids and seeing how excited they get when I come. (They know it is "play" time with Mutanu and we do have a good time).
I will be spending 5 days in Nrb this week "meeting and greeting" the 40+ new PCVs that are coming to Kenya. It will be good to re-ignited with the enthusiasm of the newbies. My adventure has been the predicted roller coaster ride. Incredible highs and dismal lows. But how is this different than life anywhere? I have enjoyed my time here and will miss my friends when I leave.
This is a quick update on my life. Let me know what has been happening with you.
Love and miss you all. Pat/Mutanu
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My Great Family
Katie, Shannon, Lucy, Pat, Russ, Betsy
Contact Information
My email address is:
My snail mail address will be:
Pat Novak, PCV
PO Box 539
Tala 90131
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